Internet slags are becoming increasingly popular, The reason they are becoming so popular is not only these shortcuts looks cool to the youths but they also save lot of your time by typing short.

- M/F = Are You Male or Female?
- RT = retweet
- CC = carbon copy
- DM = direct message
- MT = modify tweet
- MRI = modify retweet
- TWEETUP = meeting set in Real life with the help of twitter
- SB = small business
- ICUMI = In case you miss it
- GN = Good Night
- ASAP = As Soon As Possible
- ASL = Tell me your Age,Sex and Location
- SD = Sweet Dreams
- BRB = Be Right Back
- JK = Just Kidding
- Tnx = Thanks
List Of Common Nigerian Insults
- BTW = By The Way
- K = Okay
- TY = Thank You
- ROFL = Rolling on Floor Laughing
- LOL = Laugh out Loud
- TTYL = Talk to you later
- FYI = For Your Information
- LMAO = Laugh My Ass Out
- WTF = What The F**k
- FB = Facebook
- LMFAO = Laugh my f**king ass off
- WTH = What the hell
- GM = Good Morning
- sry = Sorry
- bbz = Babes
- warez = Pirated software
- LMK = Let Me Know
- zzz = Sleeping
- BFF = Best Friends Forever
- Jk = Just kidding
- B4 = Before
- L8 = Late
- plz = please
List And Contacts Of Nigeria Comedians
- p911 = parent emergency
- 2F4U Too Fast For You
- 4YEO FYEO For Your Eyes Only
- AAMOF As a Matter of Fact
- ACK Acknowledgment
- AFAIK As far as I know
- AFAIR As far as I remember / recall
- AFK Away from Keyboard
- AKA Also known as
- B2K BTK Back to Keyboard
- BTT Back to Topic
- BTW By the Way
- B/C Because
- C&P Copy and Paste
- CU See you
- CYS Check your Settings
- DIY Do it Yourself
- EOBD End of Business Day
- EOD = End of Discussion
- EOM = End of Message
50 Reasons Why You Should Read Books Today
- EOT End of Thread / .. Text / .. Transmission
- FAQ Frequently asked Questions
- FACK Full Acknowledge
- FKA Formerly known as
- FWIW For what it’s Worth
- FYI / JFYI (Just) For your Information
- FTW Fuck the World / For the Win
- HF Have fun
- HTH Hope this Helps
- IDK I don’t know
- IIRC If I Recall / Remember Correctly
- IMHO In my Humble Opinion
- IMO In my Opinion
- IMNSHO In my not so Humble / Honest Opinion
- IOW In other Words
- ITT In this Thread
- LOL Laughing out loud
- DGMW Don’t get me wrong
- Acronyms M to Z
- MMW Mark my Words
- N/A Not Available / Applicable
- NaN Not a Number
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- NNTR No need to Reply
- noob n00b Newbie
- NOYB None of your Business
- NRN No Reply Necessary
- OMG Oh my God
- OP Original Poster, Original Post
- OT Off Topic
- OTOH On the other Hand
- PEBKAC Problem exists between Keyboard and Chair
- POV Point of View
- ROTFL Rolling on the Floor Laughing
- RSVP Repondez s’il vous plait (French: Please reply)
- RTFM Read the fine Manual
- SCNR Sorry, could not Resist
- SFLR Sorry, for late Reply
- SPOC Single Point of Contact
- TBA To be Announced
- TBC To be Continued / To be Confirmed
- TIA Thanks in Advance
- TGIF Thanks God, its Friday
- THX TNX Thanks
- TQ Thank You
- TYVM Thank You Very Much
- TYT Take your Time
- TTYL Talk to you Later
- w00t Whoomp, there it is; Meaning “Hooray”
- WFM Works for Me
12 Quick Ways To Handle Ringworm Infection
- WRT With Regard to
- WTH What the Hell / What the Heck
- WTF What the Fuck
- YMMD You made my Day
- YMMV Your Mileage may vary
- YAM Yet Another Meeting
- ICYMI In Case you missed it