Biography Intro: Apostle Geoffrey Dabibi Numbere was the founder of Greater Evangelism World Crusade. He was the pioneer Chairman of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) South-South Zone.
Name: Apostle Geoffrey Dabibi Numbere
Date Of Birth: 1944
Died: 15th October 2014
Place Of Birth: Rivers State,Nigeria
Married To: Pastor (Dr.) Nonyem E. Numbere
Children: Has five children and grand-children.
Occupation: Pastor
Education: Studied Geology at University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University)
On 15th October 2014, Apostle Geoffrey Numbere was called home to be with the Lord. Before this, he had named his successor as Pastor Isaac Olori and on December 14th, 2014, Pastor Isaac Olori, succeeded Apostle Numbere as the International Director of Greater Evangelism World Crusade.

- One of 5,000 (five thousand) World Personalities, Award by the American Biographical Institute, Inc. (1988).
- “Man of the year, 2003” Award on Rivers State Television’s (RSTV’s) ‘The Globe In Sixty Minutes’ – (2003).
- Leadership Award by Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria Rivers State Chapter (2003).
- Rivers State Productivity/Merit Award – (2004).
- Man of the year Award by American Biographical Institute Inc, (2008).
- Inclusion of name in the Dictionary of International Biography, 34th editions by the International Biographical Centre Cambridge England (2008).
- 21st Century Award for Achievement by International Biographical Centre (2008).
- Great Minds of the 21st Century Award for Evangelism in Africa by the American Biographical Institute Inc, (2007/2008 Edition).
- Hosting of Celebration of 400 years of King James Version Bible in Port Harcourt (2011).
- Gift presentation of copy of Genesis Chapters XVII-XVIII, 1611 King James Pulpit Bible 1st Edition by West African Theological Seminary (24th March, 2011).
- I Forgive, For My Sake
- The Eagle Christian
- Word Killeth Word Maketh Alive
- Buying Into Another Man’s Vision
- Symbolism in the Bible
- Wake Up
- Wave Offering
- Spiritual Foundations – Digging Deep
- Unity of the Brethren in the Local Church (Co-authored with Pastor (Dr.) Nonyem Numbere)
- The Butterfly Christian
- Vain Shows Versus Practical Holiness
- Look Up (A Treatise on the Soon Coming of Jesus Christ)