Biography Intro: Margaret Benson-Idahosa is wife of the late Archbishop Benson Idahosa, a Charismatic Pentecostal preacher and founder of Church of God Mission Int’l. Inc.
Name: Bishop Margaret Benson-Idahosa
Date Of Birth: 29th July, 1943
Place Of Birth: Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.
Married To: Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa
Children: Feb, Ruth, Daisy and Freda
Occupation: Evangelist,Preacher and Pastor
Office Address: Edo State
Career And Professional Activities: Evangelist,Preacher and Pastor
Publications: The Womb of harvest, The Female minister, Tearing the veil and Expansion without Limit.
Born 29th of July, 1943, to the royal lineage of the Benin Kingdom, Margaret was ordained into the ministry on the 24th of May, 1983 and consecrated Bishop on the 5th of April, 1998. This position makes her the first female Pentecostal Bishop of a ministry in Africa.
Bishop Margaret has preached the message of Jesus Christ in more than 140 nations covering the entire continents of the world. Her vision and mission is to ” reach the un-reached” irrespective of their location.
The mother of four also adopted three other children Priscillia, Osagie and Osasu; she is also a grandmother.