Rev. Dr. Obiora Ezekiel is a dynamic man full of integrity, transparency and discipline, who truly wants to please God and would not touch anything that is not validated by scriptures. He is the General Overseer and Head Pastor of Christian Pentecostal Mission International. He operates under the 5 fold ministry gifts as an Apostle, a Prophet, an Evangelist, a Pastor and a teacher. His childhood life was so outstanding and unique compared to his mates.
As a child, his mother always told him of how he would mount a small kitchen stool with a Bible in his hand and would preach the gospel. As a young lad in the village, he knew what he wanted and always went for it. As a result of God’s call upon his life, he came to Lagos in 1954. His ministry became known for deliverance that he is often called Demon Bulldozer. Having entered into the 3rd phase of his ministry, many gospel ministers within and outside Nigeria are subject to his spiritual authority and regard him as the Apostle of our time.
List Of All Nigeria Pastors And Their Biographies
As a Distinguished Christian Leader, He is a Founding Father of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN). He is a well-known Evangelist that that has Transversed most nooks and crannies of Nigeria holding “Powerless power crusades” in integrity with records of miracles, signs, wonders and tangible miracles. He is also a well-sought-after conference speaker internationally. The uniqueness of his ministry makes him outstanding. Demons bow as he ministers. He is the author of many books including GOD’S BATTLE AXE, PURITY OF PRIESTHOOD, IN THE HEART OF THE FATHER among many others. He is a Ph.D. holder in Theology, and a 4 star General in Chaplaincy. He is married to Dr. Mercy Ezekiel, the National/International co-ordinator of Christian Pentecostal Mission, a prayer machine; and they are blessed with children and a grandchild.
Dr. O. Ezekiel is a man among men of God. His distinct voice crying out in the wilderness like John the Baptist offers an adulterated message of salvation, of heaven and of hell.
Tribalism and Religion Are Not The Problem Of Nigeria – Lamido
Dr. O. Ezekiel is a man of immense desire to see God’s children prosper-spirit, soul and body. He frequently tells his audience that he would drag them to heaven.
he is often referred to as the happiest pastor in West Africa. An apostle and a 5-star general in the Kingdom of God. He is true to his calling as a Pastor; he has raised thousands of souls who have become pastors in their own rights.
He is called Demon Bulldozer. God’s Battle Axe. A man after God’s own heart.