List Of Law Schools In Thailand

Bangkok Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Law Krirk University Faculty of Law Siam Univesity College of Law Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Law Krirk University Faculty of Law Siam Univesity College of Law Jatujak Sripatum University School of Law Sripatum University School of Law Nakhon Ratchasima Vongchavalitkul University School of Law Vongchavalitkul University School of Law Nonthaburi […]

List Of Law Schools In Belgium

Below are the list of Law Schools In Belgium Katholieke Universiteit Brussel (KUB) Faculty of Law ULB Université Libre de Bruxelles faculté de Droit/Ecole des sciences criminologiques Vrije Universiteit Brussel Faculty of Law and Criminology Universiteit Gent Faculty of Law Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Campus Kortrijk Faculty of Law Kantholieke Universiteit Leuven Faculty of Law Université catholique […]

List Of Law Schools In Tanzania

01 University of Dar es Salaam 02 Mzumbe University 03 Saint Augustine University of Tanzania 04 Open University of Tanzania 05 Ruaha Catholic University 06 Tumaini University Makumira 07 University of Dodoma