List of French Speaking Countries

List Of French Speaking Countries In Africa 1.Algeria 2. Benin 3. Burkina Faso 4. Burundi 5. Cameroon 6. Central African Republic 7. Chad 8. Comoros 9. Congo Brazzaville 10. Congo Kinshasa 11. Côte d’Ivoire 12. Djibouti 13. Equatorial Guinea 14. Gabon 15. Guinea (Conakry) 16. Madagascar 17. Mali 18. Mauritania 19. Mauritius 20. Morocco 21. […]

List Of Countries In Africa Where French Is Recognized As The Official Language

List of French Speaking Countries in Africa where French is recognized as the official language. Benin Burkina Faso Burundi (Other official language: Kirundi) Cameroon (Other official language: English) Cape Verde (Portuguese is the main language) Central African Republic (Other official language: Sango) Chad (Other official language: Arabic) Comoros (other official languages: Shikomor and Arabic) Democratic […]