History Of Nigeria Education

See History Of Nigeria Education Below…. Western or formal education was started in Nigeria in 1842 — only at the primary level — by the Christian missionaries who managed the educational system according to their respective philosophies. The missionary organizations available then were the Chord missionary society, the Wesleyan Methodist, and the Catholic. Secondary education was […]

History Of Nigeria Democracy

See History Of Nigeria Democracy Below….. Democracy Day is a public holiday in Nigeria. It is held annually on May 29. This public holiday commemorates the restoration of democracy in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, when the newly elected Olusegun Obasanjo took office as the President of Nigeria in May 1999 ending multiple decades of military rule that began in 1966 and had been interrupted only […]

History Of Nigeria Debt

See History Of Nigeria Debt Below…. Following persistent budget deficits, Nigeria’s debt is now growing faster than the rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Nigeria’s public debt data, which comprises federal and state governments debt combined, shows that debt has been growing at double-digit, compared to the growth of GDP at single digit. In 2013, debt […]

History Of Nigeria Currency

See History Of Nigeria Currency Below…. The West African Currency Board was responsible for issuing currency notes in Nigeria from 1912 to 1959. Prior to the establishment of the West African Currency Board, Nigeria had used various forms of money including cowries and manilas. On 1st July, 1959 the Central Bank of Nigeria issued the Nigerian […]

History Of Nigeria Land Law

Before the advent of the British Government in 1861, Nigerians operated customary land tenure system which was indigenous to the people. Like all other customs, the customary land tenure system varied from place to place and was accepted as ‘a mirror of accepted usage’, see Owoniyi v. Omotosho (1961) 1 All NLR 304 and Kimdey […]

History Of Nigeria Crude Oil In Nigeria

See History Of Nigeria Crude Oil In Nigeria Below…. Oil was discovered in Nigeria in 1956 at Oloibiri in the Niger Delta after half a century of exploration. The discovery was made by Shell-BP, at the time the sole concessionaire. Nigeria joined the ranks of oil producers in 1958 when its first oil field came on […]

History Of Nigeria Criminal Justice System

Before the advent of the British to the area now known as Nigeria, there were different systems for the administration of criminal law. In the Southern part of Nigeria, the criminal justice system was administered using the local traditions of the society. In most parts of the North, the criminal justice system was regulated by […]

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