Functions Of Veterinary Council Of Nigeria

The Veterinary Council of Nigeria (VCN) is essentially a quality assurance organ of the Federal Republic of Nigeria established through the Veterinary Surgeons Act Cap V3 LFN, 2004 as amended. It is a Parastatal of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources created for the sole purpose of regulating the Standard of training and […]

Functions Of UNICEF In Nigeria

Functions Of UNICEF In Nigeria

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is a United Nations (UN) program headquartered in New York City that provides humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. UNICEF Nigeria plays the following role in the country: UNICEF supports efforts to ensure that children survive, grow and realise their full potential and […]

Top Professional Qualification In Nigeria

NEBOSH – The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety & Health IWCF – International Well Control Forum ICS – Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers RSS – The Royal Statistical Society Actuaries – Institute and Faculty of Actuaries CISI – Chartered Institute of Securities & Investments NABIM – National Association of British and Irish Flour Millers ADIT – Advanced Diploma in International Taxation

Top Polytechnics In Western Nigeria

Federal College of Education, (Technical) Akoka, Lagos, Ronik Polytechnic Wolex Polytechnic Yaba College of Technology Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic Allover Central Polytechnic Moshood Abiola Polytechnic Moshood Abiola Polytechnic The Polytechnic, Ibadan

Top Polytechnics In Nigeria

Auchi Polytechnic Type: Federal Polytechnic Rector: Dr. (Mrs.) Philipa O. Idogho Located at Auchi in Edo State Yaba College of Technology Type: Federal Polytechnic Rector: Dr. Mrs. Margaret Kudi Ladipo Located at Yaba in Lagos State Federal Polytechnic Nekede Type: Federal Polytechnic Rector: Dr. (Mrs) Celestine Ugochi Njoku Location at Nekede, Owerri in Imo State […]