Functions Of Nigeria Military Police

Generally, the police is a body of people who are empowered by the state to protect lives, property, to enforce the law and reduce civil disorder. The police is usually described as a law enforcement authority. However, as will be seen shortly, the functions of the police exceed the aspect of law enforcement. Prevention and […]

Head Of Cabinet In Nigeria

Date formed September 2015 People and organisations Head of state Muhammadu Buhari Head of government Muhammadu Buhari Member party All Progressives Congress Opposition party People’s Democratic Party History Predecessor Cabinet of President Goodluck Jonathan

Functions Of Nigerian Police

Most of the modern societies have been seized by criminals, not even nigeria is free of crime hence, the establishment of the nigerian police force. Since the establishment of the police force in nigeria, the organization has played a major role in administrating justice in the nigerian society. See Below The Major Functions Of The […]

Functions Of Nigeria Microfinance Banks

Financial services play a vital role in the economic growth and development of cities and communities, as well as on a global level. These services provide businesses with access to credit and a means for saving and investing money. Microfinance banks make these services accessible to individuals and businesses within underdeveloped communities around the world. […]