The Nigerian Prisons Service Command Structure

The Nigerian Prisons Service operates a four level Command Structure with the National Headquarters in Abuja. The Structure is divided into eight (8) zones, each zone having State Commands under it. The Zones are headed by Assistant Controller-Generals of Prisons. The States are headed by Controllers of Prisons, and the prison is the last unit of […]

The Nigerian Prisons Service Works and Logistics Directorate

The Nigerian Prisons Service Works and Logistics Directorate

The Works and Logistics Directorate of the Nigerian Prisons Service is the infrastructural mainframe Directorate. This is the Directorate that caters for both mobile and immobile prison infrastructure. The Directorate is divided into two broad sections, namely, the Works and the Logistic sections. The Works section has the responsibility of articulating, planning, implementing, supervising/monitoring the […]

The Nigerian Prisons Service Finance and Budget Directorate

The Nigerian Prisons Service Finance and Budget Directorate

The directorate has two major sections.  These are: Budget Finance / Accounts The Finance and Budget  Directorate of the Nigerian Prisons Service has the responsibility of formulating, preparing, monitoring, evaluating, appraising, disbursing and supervising approved budgetary allocations for each year.  This it does in addition to preparing and defending/justifying yearly budgetary proposals. See All The […]

The Nigerian Prisons Inmates’ Training and Productivity

The Inmates’ Training and Productivity (ITP) Directorate of the Nigerian Prisons service has the responsibility of training inmates specifically in Prison Farms and Industries for the purpose of not only imparting self-sustaining skills on them but also in the process inculcating in them the positive orientation of finding dignity in labour. To that extent, this […]

The Nigerian Prisons Service Administration and Supplies Directorate

The Nigerian Prisons Service Administration and Supplies Directorate

The Administration, and Supplies directorate of the Nigerian Prisons Service owns the responsibility of properly articulating and implementing policy on personnel matters such as appointment, promotion, staff distribution, posting, discipline and training.  This is the Directorate that sees to the recruitment and documentation of new staff. It also coordinates promotions and plans the training programmes […]

Functions OF The Nigerian Prisons Service

Functions OF The Nigerian Prisons Service

The Nigerian Prisons Service is a government agency of Nigeria which operates prisons. Functions OF The Nigerian Prisons Service are as follows: To take into lawful custody all those certified to be so kept by courts of competent jurisdiction; To produce suspects in courts as and when due; To dentify the causes of their anti-social […]