Who Invented Bulb And When

See Who Invented Bulb And When Below…. Thomas Alva Edison Invented Bulb Bulb was invented in 1802 Glass bulb inserted into a lamp or a socket in a ceiling, which provides light by passing an electric current through a filament or a pocket of inert gas.

Who Invented Bread Slicer And When

See Who Invented Bread And When Below…. Otto Rohwedder Invented Bread Slicer Bread Slicer was invented in 1917 Bread slicer is an equipment designed to cut bakery products already prepared (cooked) into several slices automatically, replacing the manual use of  kitchen utensils.

Who Invented Bras And When

See Who Invented Bras And When Below….. Mary Phelps Jacobs  Invented Bras Bras was invented in 1889 A bra  is a form-fitting undergarment suspender designed to support or cover the wearer’s breasts. Swimsuits, camisoles and backless dresses may have built-in breast support.