Who Invented Laptop And When
Osborne Computers Invented Laptop Laptop was invented in about 1984 Laptop ia computer that is portable and suitable for use while travelling.
Osborne Computers Invented Laptop Laptop was invented in about 1984 Laptop ia computer that is portable and suitable for use while travelling.
See Who Invented Facebook And When Below…. Mark Zuckerberg Invented Facebook Facebook was invented in February 4, 2004. Facebook is a social networking service.
Charles Babbage Invented 1st Computer 1st Computer was invented 1833 and 1871
Walter Frederick Morrison invented The Frisbee The Frisbee was invented in 1948 The Frisbee a concave plastic disc designed for skimming through the air as an outdoor game or amusement.
See Who Invented Excel And When Below…… Dan Bricklin Invented Excel. Excel was invented in 1979. Excel is a software program produced by Microsoft that allows users to organize, format and calculate data with formulas using a spreadsheet system.
Wikipedia was created by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger Wikipedia was launched on January 15, 2001 Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, free-content encyclopedia that is based on a model of openly editable content. It is the largest and most-popular general reference work on the Internet, and is named as one of the most popular websites.
John Browning Invented 1911 Pistol 1911 Pistol was invented in 1890s 1911 Pistol is a single-action, semi-automatic, magazine-fed, recoil-operated pistol