Who Invented The First Car And When
Karl Benz invented the first Car The First Car was invented in 1886 A car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation.
Karl Benz invented the first Car The First Car was invented in 1886 A car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation.
See Who Invented Ebooks And When Below……. Michael Hart Invented Ebooks. Ebooks was invented in 1971. Ebooks is an electronic version of a printed book which can be read on a computer or a specifically designed handheld device.
John McAfee, invented the First Anti-virus Software The First Anti-virus Software was invented in 1987
See Who Invented Ebay And When Below….. Pierre Omidyar’s Invented Ebay. Ebay was invented in September 1995. Ebay is eBay has built an online person-to-person trading community on the Internet, using the World Wide Web.
William Lee Invented Knitting Knitting was invented in 1589 Knitting is material which is in the process of being knitted.
See Who Invented E-banking And When Below…. United States Invented E-banking. E-banking was invented in the early 1980s. E-banking is an electronic payment system that enables customers of a bank or other financial institution to conduct a range of financial transactions through the financial institution’s website.
Philip Emeagwali invented The Fastest Computer The Fastest Computer was invented in 1989 As of June 2016, the fastest supercomputer on the TOP500 supercomputer list is the Sunway TaihuLight, in China, with a LINPACK benchmark score of 93 PFLOPS, exceeding the previous record holder, Tianhe-2, by around 59 PFLOPS.