Nigerian Airforce Schools
There are 13 Nigerian Air Force Comprehensive/Secondary/Girls’ Schools in addition to famous Air Force Military School. These are as follows:
1. Air Force Military School Jos,
2. Air Force Comprehensive School Kaduna,
3. Air Force Comprehensive School Kano,
4 Air Force Girls’ Comprehensive School Jos
5. Air Force Comprehensive School Yola
6. Air Force Comprehensive School Uyo
7. Air Force Comprehensive School Ibadan
8. Air Force Comprehensive School Enugu
9. Air Force Girls’ Comprehensive School Abuja
10. Air Force Secondary School Ikeja
11. Air Force Secondary School Makurdi
12. Air Force Secondary School Port Harcourt
13. Air Force Secondary School Shasha
Air Force Comprehensive School (AFCS), Kaduna is a co-educational secondary school established on 10 October 1983 mainly to prepare the children of Nigerian Air Force Personnel for higher education. Over the years, the school had also catered for the educational needs of the children/wards of civilian children residing within Kaduna metropolis and beyond. The first set of students offered admission into class one were 72 students and the school presented her first set of candidates for West African Examination Council (WAEC)/General Certificate Examination (GCE) in May/June, 1988.
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AFCS Kaduna is proud to have graduated many students who are doing well in their various endeavours. Aside graduating responsible adults, the school has, over the years, won many laurels in Science, Mathematics, Debates and French Language Competitions within the state and nationally. Within Kaduna metropolis, AFCS is well known for academic excellence. The school is constantly being invited to represent the Zone at competitions.
At present, AFCS Kaduna has a students’ population of five hundred and seventy five (575) and staff strength of one hundred and sixteen (116) civilian teachers as well as sixty five (65) NAF Instructors. The school is well equipped with standard science laboratories, library and adequate ICT facilities for effective instruction for an average class size of 30 students.
Air Force Comprehensive School Kano was established on 13 May 2011 by Establishment Order 9/2011; Referenced NAF/326/COPP dated 13 May 2011. The aim was to provide comprehensive secondary education and boarding facilities to cater for NAF Personnel children/dependants and qualified Nigerian children. The school is co-educational.
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The school took off on 24 Oct 11 with an initial students’ population of 110 and 116 staff comprising of officers, airmen/airwomen, Ministry of Defence teaching staff and temporary teaching and non-teaching staff respectively. The current students’ population is six hundred and thirty (630) and staff strength of fifty two (52) civilian teachers as well as fifty seven (57) NAF Instructors. The school graduated the first set of Senior Secondary School in 2016/17 session.
Air Force Girls’ Comprehensive School (AFGCS), Jos is situated in Jos, Plateau State, at the old site of Federal Government College Jos. It was originally established in October 1986 as Air Force Girls’ Military School with an initial intake of Eighty Junior Air Women (JAW). The staff was made up of both Military and civilian personnel. The aim then was to produce a disciplined group of girls who would be able to face combat as well as other challenges of life in addition to being mothers and housewives.
However, the school was demilitarized in 2002 and the name changed to Air Force Girls’ Comprehensive School Jos. This was done to ensure a broad based academic curriculum and guide the girls towards more academic, technical and vocational pursuits. It was also to give more voice and participation by other stakeholders especially parents. The girls are being groomed with entrepreneurial skills in different areas to enable them cope in a globalized world. Sporting activities are also emphasized. The students are encouraged to participate in various academic and non-academic competitions to enhance their confidence. For the first time since the beginning of NAF Secondary School Games in 1991, AFGCS Jos emerged overall co-winner in the 9th Air Force Secondary Schools’ Games held in Enugu in April 2014 (Enugu 2014).
Air Force Comprehensive School (AFCS) Iyana-Offa, Ibadan came into being on the 28 day of December 1991 when the then Military Administrator of Oyo State, Col AK Adisa (Deceased) handed over a vacated Local Authority Teachers’ Training College (LATTC) to the Nigerian Air Force. The NAF was represented at the occasion by then Director of NAF Education Wg Cdr BO Aigbomian. Consequently, the Nigerian Air Force conceived the idea of establishing her first co-educational boarding school and the location and size available were found to be highly suitable to accomplish the dream of establishing an intellectual centre par excellence.Real academic work started on 10th January 1992 with then Sqn Ldr EC Nwankoju as the Pioneer Commandant.
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There were 174 students, 44 teachers and one hundred non-teaching staff. AFCS Ibadan was seen as “a beam or support cast on our educational venture aimed at producing a child with sufficient tools to face the vagaries of life”. The current students’ population, staff strength NAF Instructors were recommendable. AFCS Ibadan can be contacted through; Air Force Comprehensive School, PMB 5252, Ibadan.
Air Force Comprehensive School (AFCS) Agbani-Enugu, was established on the 2nd January 2002 with initial intake of 117 students into JSS1. The school is situated about 35km from Enugu city in a town called Agbani in Nkanu West Local Government Area of Enugu State. The school was recognized by Federal Ministry of Education and given approval to present candidate to write West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) and the National Examination Council (NECO), SSCE Examination in June 2006.
The first set of students in the school wrote these examinations in May/June 2007. Since then, the performance in external examinations have been encouraging, WAEC 54.3% and NECO 71.4% in 2007, WAEC 92.4% and NECO 89% in 2008, WAEC 86.1% and NECO 73.4% in 2009,WAEC 75.2% and NECO 57.5% in 2010, WAEC 97.8% and NECO 73.6% in 2011, WAEC 98.1% and NECO 92.9% in 2012 and WAEC 98.3% and NECO 9.3% in 2013. The school has successfully graduated 7 sets with good results.
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The school received an award by Hallmarks of Labour Foundation as the best school (Public School Category) in Nigeria based on 2011 WAEC result. This took place on 17 Oct 12 in Lagos. Also, AFCS Enugu emerged best overall in Eastern Zone and 4th best at the National level in NAFDAC Organized Essay & Quiz Competition. Also, in the Nigerian Mathematics & Science Olympaid 2012 Competition, 7 students from AFCS Enugu emerged award winners among the 10 students selected in Mathematics and Science Subjects. AFCS Agbani emerged the winner during the Federal Radio Cooperation of Nigeria, Enugu Stations Golden Jubilee Essay Competition. The School also emerged the Enugu State Champion in the 2014 National Mathematical Centre Science Competition organized by National Mathematics Centre, Abuja.
Air Force Comprehensive School (AFCS) Uyo was established in January 1999. It is location at Okop Ndua Erong in Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, which is a semi urban community approximately 15 km North of Uyo.
AFCS Uyo is a co-educational school with boarding facilities for boys and girls. It was established to prepare students for JSCE NECO, WASSCE SSCE and JAMB. It is guided by the Rules and Regulations, which ensures high level of discipline in the school. Also, dormitories in AFCS Uyo are named and coloured according to aircrafts in the NAF. These are: Alpha (yellow), Jaguar (blue), Mig (green), Hercules (red) and Donier (purple).
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The school has military and civilian instructors. The civilian instructors are permanent staff employed by the Federal Civil Service Commission and posted to Ministry of Defence. The Administrative and operational control of the school is handled by the Academic Board of the school, headed by the Commandant. The Board comprises of the Administrative Officer, 2 Quality Assurance officers, Vice Principal Academic, Vice Principal Administration, Guidance Counsellor and all the Heads of Departments. There are Supervisors who coordinate the activities of the Senior and Junior Secondary Schools respectively. The school also has Form Masters who ensure class administration. Under the supervisors are 6 Heads of Departments in-charge of mathematics, Languages, Science, Vocational/Technical, Arts and Humanities and Commercial Departments.
The school started with a population of 142 students, 32 teaching and 97 non-teaching staff in 1999. Currently, there are 516 students, 74 members of teaching staff (made up of 52 permanent and 22 temporary teaching staff) 105 non-teaching staff and 40 military personnel.
Air Force Comprehensive School Yola (AFCS), was established on 16 May 13, to provide educational opportunities for children of Nigerian Air Force (NAF) personnel and the general public in the North-Eastern geo-political zone of the country. The school took off for its first academic session on 25 Oct 13.
The pioneer Commandant Wg Cdr AA Dogo is assisted by two Vice Principals, a Medical Officer and an Administrative Officer (AO). Other Principal Staff Officers include the Oic Library, and the Oic Kitchen. AFCS Yola participated in the recently concluded 9th All Air Force Secondary School Games in Enugu where the school was adjudged the best-behaved school in addition to other laurels. They were the toast of the tournament.
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The learning environment is very conducive as all that is needed for qualitative and standard education has been put in place. Interestingly, a programme has also been introduced to help the academically weak students and the result so far has been encouraging.
In a nutshell, the school has set high standards by laying solid foundation for the future in academics and the discipline of its students aimed at nurturing sound minds, great citizens and future leaders for the country.
Air Force Secondary School (AFSS), Makurdi was established in 1983. As it is with other NAF Secondary Schools, AFSS Makurdi was established to provide quality education for children of NAF Personnel and civilians within the immediate community. The school is situated in the NAF Base at kilometer 10 along Makurdi Gboko Road Makurdi. The school is bounded in the south by the NAF Primary School, St Lawrence Catholic Church in the North, and Protestant Church in the West as well as Single Officers Quarters in the East.
The school started officially for academic activities on 31 Oct 83 with Miss DO Arimah as the Coordinator of programmes. On 1 Feb 84, Mr Abimbola O Adesina resumed duty as the first Principal of the School. Subsequently, Commandants were posted in to head the school. At inception, the school had a student population of 67 shared into 2 arms with 9 permanent teachers and 8 Corps members. Now the students’ population is about 607. The school recorded 97.2 per cent, 88.7 per cent and 98.4 per cent credit pass including English Language and Mathematics in the 2013 SSCE, NECO and JSCE respectively. The school is headed by the Commandant who is assisted by 2 Vice Principals (Administration and Academics). It also has an Administrative Officer that takes care of discipline of airmen and students. The school has 7 Head of Departments; other appointments in the school include Form Masters, House Masters, Matron, Class Coordinators and Club Coordinators.
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Air Force Secondary School (AFSS) Port Harcourt was established in January 1991 to provide educational opportunities for children of NAF personnel and civilians in Port Harcourt. The school is headed by Wg Cdr OJ Kaka. He is assisted by 2 Vice Principals and 8 heads of departments (HODs).
The departments in the school are: Mathematics, Languages, Vocational, Science, Social Science, Commercial, Arts as well as Guidance and Counseling. AFSS Port Harcourt has embraced the National Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) curriculum. The school had adopted at least 4 trade subjects in her Senior Secondary School, namely catering and Craft, Electrical Installation, Painting and Decoration as well as Book-Keeping.
Air Force Secondary School, Ikeja was established in 1981 with initial intake of 150 students. The school is located within Sam Ethnan Air Force Base, Ikeja. About 17 Commandants have commanded the school since inception with Gp Capt Oyekale, as the incumbent. The students’ population at present is 1,445 and comprised of Junior and Senior Secondary School. It is a co-educational Day Secondary School with conducive environment for teaching and learning.
The school administrative structure as at present is headed by the Commandant, supported by Vice Principal Administration and Vice Principal Academics. Also, the school has an Administrative Officer (AO), Coordinator (Junior School) and Coordinator (Senior School) amongst other appointments within the school. The school has maintained a very high academic standard and performance since the establishment. For example, the academic performances of the school in the last 3 years (2015, 2016 and 2017) in the WASSCE were 96.1%, 95.3% and 98.4% respectively.
It has a well developed and maintained infrastructure in its efforts to keep to the National Education Curriculum. There are also ICT facilities with learners having access to them.
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