- Calories: 2,000. Calories fuel the body to keep major systems functioning.
- Protein: 50 grams. Protein builds and repairs tissue and muscle.
- Fat: 70 grams. Fat supports cell growth, protects organs, keeps you warm and gives you energy. It also helps your body absorb nutrients.
- Calcium: 1,000 milligrams. Calcium builds strong bones and teeth, helps prevent blood clotting, supports healthy heartbeat and muscular function, and helps prevent osteoporosis.
- Magnesium: 380 milligrams. Magnesium supports muscle, heart and bone functions.
- Iron: 8 milligrams. Iron helps carry oxygen through your body.
- Phosphorous: 700 milligrams. Phosphorous is needed to grow, maintain and repair muscles. It also helps your kidneys filter waste.
- Potassium: 4,044 milligrams. Potassium helps you maintain healthy blood pressure.
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- Sodium: 500 milligrams. Sodium works with potassium. It helps muscles contract, assists the intestines in absorbing nutrients and regulates blood pressure and kidney function.
- Zinc: 11 milligrams. Zinc supports the immune system and cell growth.
- Copper: 1.2 milligrams. Copper helps maintain and repair connective tissues, and it also keeps nails and hair healthy.
- Manganese: 2.3 milligrams. Manganese helps the body metabolize cholesterol, carbs and amino acids.
- Selenium: 55 micrograms. Selenium protects the body as an antioxidant.
- Thiamin or Vitamin B1: 1.2 milligrams. Vitamin B1 supports the nervous system, brain, muscles, heart and digestive health.
- Riboflavin or Vitamin B2: 1.3 milligrams. Vitamin B2 helps the body metabolize fat and protein, and works as an antioxidant.
- Niacin or Vitamin B3: 16 milligrams. Vitamin B3 improves cardiovascular health and lowers the risk of heart disease.
- Pantothenic acid or Vitamin B5: 5 milligrams. Vitamin B5 helps the body process carbs, proteins and fats. It also supports healthy skin.
- Vitamin B6: 1.3 milligrams. Vitamin B6 supports a healthy heart and muscles, and it helps prevent depression.
- Folate or Folic Acid: 400 micrograms. Folic acid allows the body to make DNA and divide cells.
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- Vitamin B12: 2.4 micrograms. Vitamin B12 helps make DNA and supports blood cell and nerve health.
- Biotin or Vitamin B7: No recommended daily allowance. Strive to get 25-30 micrograms a day. It’s important for hair, eyes and nail health, and it supports liver and nervous system.
- Vitamin A: 900 micrograms. Vitamin A supports vision, immune and reproductive systems, and vital organ functioning.
- Vitamin E: 15 milligrams. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that supports your immune system.
- Vitamin D: 600 International Units. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium for bone and teeth health.
- Vitamin K: 120 micrograms. Vitamin K is important for blood, bone and organ health.
- Omega-3: 250 milligrams. Omega-3 supports brain, eye and heart health.
- Choline: 550 milligrams. Choline is an essential nutrient in metabolizing fats and other physiological processes.
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