The Health Institution In Nigeria have the responsibility of making sure that those vulnerable Nigerians and the poor in the country are protected from any financial risk in their attempt to access health care services.
The institutions which are directly supervised by the Minister of health were actually established to carry out certain responsibility with a view to make health care services accessible to all Nigerians.
Below are the Functions Of Health Institution In Nigeria
- Developing performance standards for internal control of Public Hospitals;
- Policy approval of rate and scale of charges for services rendered to the public by the Hospital Governing Boards;
- Recommendation for capital and operating budgets for Hospitals Governing Boards (which includes recommendation for major adjustments, increase in salaries, allowances and fringe benefits for hospital employees);
Functions Of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)
- Elevating the quality of health practice in the professional disciplines through the advancement of appropriate standards and research priorities;
- Collation and analysis of monthly medical statistical data (attendance, morbidity, mortality and utilization of services) from Hospital Governing Boards;
- Obtaining annual audited accounts of hospitals and Hospital Governing Boards within three months after the end of preceding financial year;
- Co-ordination and integration of the various hospital services at all levels in the State to ensure they conform with the State health policies and programs; and
- Maximizing the effective use of resources within the health sector in the State.
- Industrial and Occupational Health.
- Staff Clinic and pre-employment health screening.
- Design and implement community and school-based Information, Education and Communication (IEC) packages on the promotion of healthy lifestyles, prevention of common infectious and non-communicable diseases, and consumers’ knowledge and awareness of their right to quality care and personal obligation to better health.
- Monitor and control trends of diseases (communicable and non-communicable) at the community and State levels.
Functions Of Nigerian Medical Association
- Institutionalize an operational system to facilitate early/timely detection, diagnosis and response to epidemics, emergencies and disasters at the State and community levels (Emergency Preparedness).
- Design and implement facility development program.
- Medical and Hospital Services
- Establish a sustainable drug management system, promote essential drug policy and discourage use of counterfeit, spurious and substandard drugs including institutionalization of a drug quality assurance across the entire drug chain.
- Strengthen the capacity of the Ministry to conduct health surveys and research, including development, updating and enforcement of protocol for conduct of health surveys and research by researchers.
List Of Nigeria Health Agencies
- Integration of traditional medicine, based on proven efficacy, into the State’s health care system at both community and provincial levels
- Liaise with the Federal Ministry of Health and other relevant stakeholders on policy formulation and implementation.
- Establish a forum for effective donor interaction and coordination.
- Supervision and control of all Health facilities in order to ensure a minimum standard in all public and private health facilities.
List Of All Psychiatric Hospitals In Nigeria