The Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA) is a professional body for architects primarily in Nigeria.
The idea for the formation of an independent professional architect’s organization in Nigeria was first conceived and motivated by three architects. In 1958, an 8 member study group was formed to carry out detailed planning for the establishment of the Institute which ultimately culminated in inauguration of the Institute.
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The Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA) was conceived by three Nigerian architects and founded on the 1st of April 1960 as an association of independent professional architects with the aims and objectives of fostering friendship amongst members.
The Nigerian Institute of Architects is a member of the International Union of Architects (UIA), a founding member of both the Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA) and the Africa Union of Architects (AUA).
Functions Of The Nigerian Institute Of Architects
1) Board of Architectural Education is responsible for all Educational programmes and activities of the Institute such as Visitation and Accreditation of Schools of Architecture in Nigeria, conduct of Professional Practice Examinations, and implementation of Continued Professional Development Programmes.
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2) Practice Committee is responsible for professional practice policies, programmes and ethics in all its ramifications.
3) International Affairs Committee is responsible for the initiation of NIA’s Policies, Programmes, and activities as they relate to international organizations to which the NIA is affiliated.
4) Students Affairs Committee takes care of the welfare and interests of architecture students in Institutions of higher learning and their integration into the Institute’s programmes.
5) Publications and Library Committee is responsible for collecting and publishing materials and write-ups from both the academics and practice as well as other related matters. The committee is also responsible for keeping stock, running and maintaining a comprehensive library.
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6) Public Relations committee is vested with the responsibility of maintaining a good public image for the Institute, the architects and the architectural profession as a whole. It also ensures cordial relationship with the authorities, the mass media, the public and other allied professionals and organizations within the built industry through various public relations programmes and activities.
7) Disciplinary Committee is primarily concerned with maintaining high ethical and professional standards and strict adherence to the above as provided for in the various provisions of the NIA Code of Conduct and Ethics.
8) Admission Committee is responsible for the processing of applications for admission into various categories of membership viz: Fellow, Full Member, Associate, Graduate, Student and Honourary Membership.
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