The Nigerian navy came into existence in 1956 as an offshoot of the colonial marine department of the royal navy which was established empire in the west African sub-region. However, on attainment of republican status in 1963, the title ‘royal’ was dropped from the rnn giving birth to the Nigerian navy which was promulgated by the act of parliament no 21 of 1964.
The Nigerian navy has today emerged as a multi-mission maritime arm of the Nigerian armed forces with various wartime and peacetime roles.
Subsequently, the it was by legislation re-designated, the royal Nigerian navy as a mark of allegiance to the queen of England.
Below Are The Functions Of The Of Nigerian Navy
Enforcing and assisting in co-coordinating the enforcement of all custom laws, including anti-bunkering, fishery and immigration laws of nigeria at sea.
See Also: Nigerian Navy Training Ground Location
Enforcing and assisting in co-coordinating the enforcement of national and international maritime laws ascribed or acceded to by nigeria.
Making of charts and co-coordinating all national and hydrographic surveys
Promoting, coordinating and enforcing safety regulations in the territorial waters and the eez of Nigeria.