The Nigerian Press Council is the statutory body that governs ethical standards in the Nigerian press. It was established by Government decree in December 1992.

Like most other press councils around the world, the functions of the Nigerian press council revolve around ethical standards.
The council, therefore, has as one of its major functions, the duty to enquire into complaints against the press from the public and also into complaints from the press about the conduct of persons or organizations towards the press.
Below Are The Functions Of The Nigerian Press Council;
The Council reviews media laws, policies and programmes or developments perceived as hostile to the Press in its performance and advise on possible remedy.
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The protection of the rights and privileges of Nigerian journalists is an integral component of the Press Council’s functions.
Monitoring the activities of the Press with a view to ensuring compliance with the Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct of the Nigeria Union of Journalists;
Receiving application from, and documenting the Print Media and monitoring theirperformance to ensure that owners and publishers comply with the terms of their
mission statements and objectives in liaison with the Newspaper Proprietors Association of Nigeria.
Doing Research into contemporary Press development and engage in updating Press documentation
Reviewing developments likely to restrict the flow of information and advise on measures aimed at remedying such developments
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Enquiring into complaints about the Press and the conduct of any person or organization towards the Press
The Ensure the protection of the rights and privileges of journalists in the lawful performance of their duties
The Foster the achievement and maintenance of high professional standards by the Nigerian Press
The Council is, therefore, statutorily expected to monitor the activities of the media. Essentially, this is performed through content analysis to ensure that the Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct is strictly adhered to.