The art and culture of Nigeria embody the vivid image of the Nigerian way of life combined with the magnificent history of the past.

One of the major aspects of Nigerian art and culture lies in the fact that they draw their inspiration from the traditional folk heritage of the region.
The roles of Traditional art to the society are numerous: art promotes the Nigeria cultural heritage and creates identity. Nigeria is known for her traditional art cultures of Nok, Ife, Benin, Igbo Ukwu, Owo, Esie, etc.
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Through art works the history of Nigeria is documented.

Nigerian traditional arts have survived the test of time with recorded history of the oldest art discoveries south of the Saharan. The skills, creativity, and dexterity of Nigerian artists, “certain periods in the cultural transition of Nigeria have a worldwide reputation of works of art created by Nigerians of centuries past. These are described in every encyclopedia of world art.
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