The sail training curriculum incorporates courses in sailing, ocean survival, firefighting, small craft construction, rigging, navigation; basic, intermediate, advanced, and professional sailing; ocean science, ship handling, stability, meteorology, and ship’s medicine.

The projects at maine maritime academy incorporate completely certify 2-year (associate of science) and 4-year (bachelor of science) degrees; 200 ton, 500 ton, 1600 ton and boundless licenses for power and sail vessels, for close seaside and seas courses.
With different projects in marine engineering, international business and logistics, marine science, and marine biology, in addition to a master’s degree program, there are a lot of other applicable courses and degree alternatives to look over to round out a luxuriously remunerating school understanding.
You could sign on board a cruising vessel with no related knowledge and sail as an os, step by step picking up understanding and ocean time, which would enable you to “Sit” for the exam for the following step up the levels of leadership.
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You would furthermore need to procure different declarations (both us and international) in basic safety training (bst), global marine distress safety system (gmdss), bridge resource management (brm), ship’s medical officer, automatic radar plotting aids (arpa), firefighting, and a few more.
There are two preparing travels under sail on board the clipper bowdoin, and three industry coops, amid which you may cruise on board one of the other asta vessels in gaff apparatus or square apparatus.
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Alumni from the previous 35 years are now filling in as deckhands, mates, experts and proprietors of various sail preparing vessels.
With a 50 year custom of getting ready seafarers for sea vocations (in the merchant marine) as of now set up, and two conventional clippers (the 88 footbowdoin and the 35 foot puritan) to prepare on, building up a sail preparing educational programs was a conspicuous advance.
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