Below are the guidelines To Join The Nigerian Airforce
1. Interested applicants are to apply free of charge online at www.airforce.mil.ng.
2. Applicants are to apply once, multiple online application will be disqualified.
3. Applicants are to print out the underlisted documents after completion of application online:
a. Local Government Indigeneship Form.
b. Attestation form to be signed by Military officer or Local Government Chairman.
See All Nigerian Airforce Bases
c. Parent/Guardian Consent Form.
d. Acknowledgment Form.
QUALIFICATIONS 4. Applicants must be a Nigerian citizen by birth.
5. Applicants must not be less than 1.66m tall for male and not less than 1.63m tall for female. 6. Non Tradesmen/Women.
Complete Details About The Nigerian Air Force Schools (Military/Comprehensive/Secondary/Girls Schools)
a. Applicants must be between the ages of 17 and 22 years
b. Applicants must possess a minimum of 3 credits including Mathematics and English in SSCE/NECO/GCE/NABTEB.
7. Tradesmen/Women.
a. Applicants applying as tradesmen and women must be between 17 and 24 years of age except for those applying as drivers who must be between 18 and 28 years by 31 December 2017.
b. Applicants must possess a minimum of 2 passes with a credit in English in SSCE/NECO/GCE/NABTEB and must possess at least a lower credit in ND/NCE or any relevant trade certificates from reputable and approved government institutions/organisations.
See Also: Functions Of The Nigerian Air Force
c. Drivers must posses a minimum of 2 passess with a credit in English and trade test certificate.
d. Applicants applying as sportsmen/women are to present evidence of their professional experience which will include certificates and medals.