Many people are searching for new and fresh ways to earn money. Recharge card printing business has been really profitable to a lot of people recently, but of course, you will need to know some specifics of it. So, how can you start recharge card printing business in Nigeria?
Well, starting recharge card printing business is not rocket science. You only have to put some things in place and have a reliable recharge card dealer in Nigeria that will be supplying you ePins.
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If you are not living in the rocks, I can bet you would have been hearing here and there that you can start recharge card printing business in Nigeria and start making cool money from the business. Well, it’s for real. Those recharge vouchers you buy by the road side, in your street etc., are printed by human beings who have same ONE head like yours. They don’t have TWO heads..lol. I’ve been printing recharge vouchers in Nigeria for the past 6 years.
Things you need to start recharge card printing business include :
ou will not need a lot of special tools for this business. You should only make sure you have the following:
- The working laptop or computer with stable internet connection.
- Valid e-mail address.
- Recharge card printing machine.
- A3/A4 paper for printing out the recharge cards.
- Software for de-encrypting the pin codes which are sent to you.
- Starting capital.
Glo Important Service Codes You Must Know
- Get your computer connected to the Internet or simply use a cyber café.
- Register with a company, the mega-dealer who will send you software.
- Download their software and install it on your computer.
- Order for recharge PINs through their website and pay the required amount into their
bank account.
Airtel Important Service Codes You Must Know
- Send them your payment details, e.g., name, email address, desired network, teller
number and the amount paid. - They will send you encrypted PINs (these PINs can only be read or interpreted by the company’s software).
- Use the software on your computer to print out these PINs.
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