Find your favourite Nigerian Praise And Worship Songs below:

CHORUS: Obi na-aso m rikpo (twice) Mma mma Chineke n’eme mu kori-kori mara-mara. Ekene Chineke n’eju obi mu o.
1. I nee anya n’ihu m NGOZI! I nee anya n’azu mu, NGOZI! Ngozi ngozi, ekene Chineke na-eju obi mu oo, ewoo. Mma mma Chineke n’eme mu kori-kori.
Repeat Chorus.
Mmiri mara m, ebe m na-eso Jesuu. Anwu chara m, ebe m na-eso Jesuuu.
Mmiri mara m, o mara m ma na owutero m! Ebe m na-eso Jesuu, Jesu chelu mu o, aghakwana m. Jesu chelu mu o , aghakwana m.
Ayaya ooo, Ayaya ooo
Abasi mi Ayaya ooo, Ayaya ooo nanando
All the way to Calvary He went for me, He went for me, He went for me.
All the way to Calvary, He went for me, And now He’s set me free.
I love that man of Galilee, He has done so very much for me! He has forgiven me all my sins and sent the holy ghost to me, I love that man of Galilee!
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all my fear is gone. Because I know oo ooo, He holds my future. My life is worth living just, beacuse He lives.
He sent His son, they call him Jesus. He came to die, he died for me. He died and He eeeee rose, to bury my burden. The holy cross, is there to prove, that my Jesus lived.
There’s no one There’s no one like Jesus, There’s no one There’s no one like Him
I waka waka, no one, no one
I searched and searched, no one, no one
I turned around, no one, no one
There’s no one, there’s no one like Him
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CHORUS: Atukwasara m gi obi, Chineke. Atukwasara m gi obi, oge nile.
1) Lee m anya, lee m anya na mkpuru obi m. (Chorus)
2) Oge m no na grasia gi, O Chineke. (Chorus)
3) Oge nile atukwasara m gi obi.
All glory glory glory to the Lord, (All glory).
All glory glory glory to the Lord, Alleluia.
Hosanna! Hosanna, Hosanna! Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Alleluia. Hosanna! Hosanna, Hosanna! Blessed be the name of the Lord.
What shall I say, unto the Lord. All I have to say is “Thank you, Lord”. What shall I say, unto the Lord. All I have to say is “Thank you, Lord”. Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord. All I have to say is “THANK YOU, LORD!”
I’m gonna praise the Lord. The devil cannot stop me. I’m gonna praise the Lord, In every situation. In the wilderness, in the prison-yard I’m gonna praise the Lord. For His faithfulness Alleluia. I’m gonna praise the Lord oo oood, For his faithfulness Alleluia. I’m gonna praise the Lord.
GREAT IS THE LORD, And greatly to be praised. In the city of His love, in the mountain of his holiness. Beautiful in situation, is the joy of the whole world. east of Zion, south of the nile and city of the great King nng nggg, east of Zion south of eh Nile is the city of the great King.
List Of Igbo Praise And Worship Songs
GREAT & MIGHTY IS THE LORD THY GOD, Great and mighty is He. Great and mighty is the Lord thy God. Great and mighty is He. So lift up your banner of praise to the Lord. Great and mighty is He, Oooooo great and mighty is the Lord thy God. Great and mighty is He!
I am a Winner all the time. I am a success not a failure. I am a victor not a victim, I am the head and not the tail. I am a Winner all the time. I am a success not a failure. I am a victor not a victim, I am the head and not the tail.(He’s a winner-man!) Jesus is a winner man Jesus is a winner man Jesus is a winner man. He’s a winner-man all the time. (He’s a winner man)
CHORUS: Winner-man a winner man, a winner man (thrice). He’s a winner man all the time!
GOD’S NOT DEAD, He’s alive, (thrice), And I’m feeling Him all over me. I feel him in my head, I feel him in my toes, I feel Him in my heart, I feel him in my limbs. I feel Him when I wake, I feel him when I sleep. I’m feeling Him all over me!
KA ANYI WERE IKU AKA TOBE JEHOVAH, eee! Were iku aka to be Jehovah eee! To be ya, eee, o na-eme mma! Eeee. O na-agwoo oya oo, Mma mma ya ga-adighide ebighi ebi!
Ihe nile baa nyere mu na emetu chukwu na obi !! Echiche udo ! Ogaa niru ka o chere mu ooo, ogaghi ekwee ka echichi ndi iro meezue, amara chineke o bara uba na ebe mu nooo!!
NFCS Nigeria Federation of Catholic Students is living the faith. We are the hope of our faith to blossom the drums of the church. Hail NFCS,with the strength of our youths we will move our faith forward and defend it whatever be the case…. Chorus-Wen the roll is called on the last day a joyful song we raise(x2)….
Hail NFCS. Let’s spread the good news of d kingdom 2 all people on earth thru NFCS and join hands wit groups of like minds to evangelize the world thru NFCS. Let the message be brought to every living soul by d life that we live as students……
The Most High reigneth (thrice) in my heart today. The Most High reigneth (thrice) in my Life today.
Every living soul (x2) praise the Lord. Every living soul (x2) praise the Lord. (Repeat and morph into next song)
Magnigy the Lord, Oohhh Magnofy the Lord, The Lord is able! (Repeat)
Chineke nke igwe, I gbaputara m. Mgbe mu onwe m no na nsogbu, A ga m enye gi ekele. Ekele oma ka m ga enye gi. Otitoo oma ka m ga-enye gi. Abu ndi nso ka m ga-abuuuuu. I di ngozi na I di ukwuuuu. Gbaghara m ooo Chineke, ka m ketoke n’ime gi.
List Of Yoruba Praise And Worship Songs
Chorus: Okwa gi? Okwa Gi si na i ga-eburu m ibu a? O kwa Gi siii na I ga-abu nke mu oo. A no m n’iru gi. Ka m ket’oke n’ime Gi.
That is why you are called JEHOVAH
That is why you are called JEHOVAH 2x
What YOU says YOU will do, that’s what YOU will do
That’s why you are called JEHOVAH
Tori na le se n je JEHOVAH 2x
Eleshe Elewi, Elewi Eleshe
Tori na le se n je JEHOVAH
Oh Lord my God
Oh Lord my God!
When am in awesome wonders
consider all the works Thy hands hath made
i see the stars,
i hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power through out the universe displayed
then sings my soul,my saviour God to Thee
how great Thou art, how great Thou art.
I praise You, I praise You …..oh Lord
I praise You, I praise You …..oh Lord (2ce)
In my life, I see what You’re doing
One more time
I lift my hands in praise
Of Your name
I lift my hands in praise
Of Your name…..
Majesty, Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
We’re singing Majesty, we’re singing Majesty
Forever, forever I am changed by Your love
In the presence of Your Majesty
We’re singing Majesty, Majesty
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
We’re singing Majesty, we’re singing Majesty
Baba by Sonnie Babu
We’re in your presence,
Let it rain, oh your rain
Let it fall on me (2x)
Open the floodgates, in abundance
And cause your rain, to fall on me (2x)
Baba oooo
You can never never fail x3
Jesus the same forever
I bu chukwu onye di mma
I bu chukwu onye di mma
I bu Chukwu onye nwe ndu
I bu Alpha na Omega mu ooo
Onye mbu na Onye ikpazu
Malite n’ogwu ndu
Ya kam ji na si n’ibu chim o
i di ebube
I di omimi,
I bu Alpha na Omega mo
Onye mbu na onye ikazu,
malite n’ogwu ndu
ya kam ji na si n’ibu chim o
What shall we say
Unto the Lord?
All we have to say
Is Thank You Lord
Thank You Lord (x2)
All we have to say
At the mention of Your Name,
Every knee must bow,
At the mention of Your Name,
Every tongue confess
You are the reason why I lift my hands
Why I lift my voice
Why I sing to you
You are the reason i’m alive today
I am here to say, it’s all because of you
You are the reason….
We bow down and worship….yahweh.
We bow down and worship…yaweh.
Yahweh yaweh yaweh
List Of Hausa Praise And Worship Songs
You are alpha, and Omega
We worship you our Lord
You are worthy to be praised
We give you ALL the Glory
We worship you our Lord
You are worthy to be praised
Praise ye the lord oh my soul
This is the day he has made
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Praise ye the lord
Praise the Lord, my spirit, soul and body (x3)
Shout Halleluyah
Jesusssss………may u reign, may u reign
Fatherrrr…….may u reign, may u reign
Yesterday You reign, You reign in my life
Today come and reign, and reign forever more
Yesterday You reign, You reign in my life
Today come and reign, and reign forever more
Heaven and Earth adore you.
Angels bow before are beautiful…..
Oh oh oh…..oh oh oh….
Oh oh oh…..oh oh oh….
Be Magnify O’Lord, you are highly exalted
And there is nothing you cant do…
O Lord. my eyes are on you…be magnify…o lord be magnify…
Elshadai Elshadai…
Elohim and Adonai
Age to ages You’re still the same…
By the power of Your name…
Elshadai Elshadai…
Elohim and Adonai
I will praise and lift you high
Aka aka ya
Aka Jehovah neme nma
Olu ebube ya
Ke na’ruari nebem no
Isi yi ke ndu
Ke na dighi ata’ta
Aka aka ya
Aka Jehovah neme nma…
PRAISE ye the LORD O my soul!
for this is the day HE has made!
Hallelujah!!! Hallelujah!!! Praise Ye the LORD!!!
When the Spirit of the Lord is Upon my Soul,
I will dance like David dance!
I will daaaance, I will daaaance
I will dance like David dance….
God na elele, God na wire oh (x2)
Nobody be like Em, nobody dey like Em,
Ewoo nwanem God na elele.
Only u can offer me true joy
Only u can give life and peace
Only u are the lifter of hands oh lord
King of creation
It’s u 4x Jehovah it’s u
Receive our praise oh Lord
Receive our praise oh lord
Glory and honor we give unto u
Receive our praise oh lord
Bless the Lord oh my soul
And all /that is /within me
Bless His holy name.
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Down at your feet oh Lord
Is the most high place
In your presence Lord
I seek ur face, i seek ur face
Chorus: There is no higher calling
No greater honour
Than to bow and kneel before ur throne
I’m amazed by ur glory, embraced by ur mercies,
Oh Lord, i live to worship You…
You are bigger than what we call you 4x
You are wonderful,you are excellent
You are bigger than what we call you
You are beautiful,you are awesome lord
You are bigger than what we call you
You are glorious,you are powerful
Father you are bigger than what we call you
I praise you, I praise you u u, O lord (2ce)
In my life, Lord,
I see what you’re doing
One more time, Lord
I lift my hands in praise of your Na–ame,
I lift my hands in Praise og your Name.
Otua ka Chinek’any ra
Agidigba o o o
Agidigba o
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