Marriage is registered at a local public registry, which requires a Letter of Marriage Intention and payment of a fee of Naira 2,000. A person under 18 years of age, who wishes to register a marriage, is required to present a letter of consent from his or her parents.
1. Filing of marriage notice:
- This involves filling a form called the Notice Form or Form A and it captures your personal details with two coloured passport photographs and a letter of consent attached for minors from their parents.
- The registry then displays the Notice Form on a notice board at the registry for 21 days.
- Thereafter, provided the following criteria are met, another form called the Form C is issued by the registrar:
- That one of the parties has been resident within the district in which the marriage will take place.
- Absence of any lawful hindrance to the wedding.
- That either of the two parties is not married to someone else under customary law.
- Evidence of consent in the case of minors.
- A divorcee must produce a divorce certificate, while a widow or a widower is required to present the death certificate of the late spouse.
Nigerian Traditional Marriage Attire
2. Taking of Oath:
- This involves the swearing an affidavit before the registrar or recognized minister of religion.
- The penalties involved in case of a bridge of the marriage are then explained to the couple.
- The registrar then signs the affidavit as a symbol of the oath taking.
- The minister then issues a certificate and grants license by way of a form called Form D which grants permission to the couple to celebrate their union.
3. Marriage Registration:
The registry will display the Letter of Marriage Intention for 21 days on a public notice board. Provided that no objection to the intended marriage is made during the 21 day period, a couple may then register their marriage.
The Origin Of White Wedding
Both parties as well the officiating minister and two witnesses will then sign the marriage certificate and the Registrar registers the marriage in the Marriage Register Book.