(13 Wards )
Bassambiri 1 Ward
(11 Polling Booths )
Biatubu / village square (PU: 06/04/04/009)
Chief ngozi/chief ngozi square (PU: 06/04/04/008)
G.s.s nembe/school compound (PU: 06/04/04/007)
Ilulu 1/agric quarters (PU: 06/04/04/004)
Ilulu 11/lga staff quarters (PU: 06/04/04/010)
Ilulu 111/alabarabas compound (PU: 06/04/04/011)
Onyoma/compound square (PU: 06/04/04/003)
Oruamabiri/opupogu (PU: 06/04/04/006)
Oruamabiri/town square (PU: 06/04/04/005)
Sikaka polo/ina polo square (PU: 06/04/04/002)
Sikaka polo/king ogbodo square (PU: 06/04/04/001)
Bassambiri 11 Ward
(14 Polling Booths )
Derrikiri/derri compound square (PU: 06/04/05/011)
Egbelu polo/ egelu musel (PU: 06/04/05/005)
Esewdu area/ school i compound (PU: 06/04/05/003)
First baptist church area/ church mission (PU: 06/04/05/014)
Igbebeleu polo/derri square (PU: 06/04/05/009)
King ralph iwowari /civic centre (PU: 06/04/05/004)
Mein polotiri mein polo square (PU: 06/04/05/002)
Mein polotiri/ mein musel square (PU: 06/04/05/001)
Omiekiri/omie square (PU: 06/04/05/010)
Osain polo/pegi polo square (PU: 06/04/05/007)
Otiotio polo/otiotio square (PU: 06/04/05/008)
Pegi polo/pegi polo square (PU: 06/04/05/006)
Sandfield area/l.g.a square (PU: 06/04/05/013)
Sandfield area/s.s ii compound (PU: 06/04/05/012)
Bassambiri 111 Ward
(7 Polling Booths )
Akalukiri/village square (PU: 06/04/06/006)
Botokiri/ village square (PU: 06/04/06/005)
Butubugo/village square (PU: 06/04/06/007)
Kalabila ama/school compound (PU: 06/04/06/004)
Kalabila ama/village square (PU: 06/04/06/003)
Okipiri/school compound (PU: 06/04/06/002)
Okipiri/village square (PU: 06/04/06/001)
See Also: List Of All Polling Units And Wards In Bayelsa State
List Of All Polling Units And Wards In Nigeria
Bassambiri 1v
(8 Polling Booths )
Adumama/village square (PU: 06/04/07/002)
Akanaga/village square (PU: 06/04/07/006)
Dannikiri/village square (PU: 06/04/07/005)
Eyeritekiri (PU: 06/04/07/008)
Monday kiri/monday kiri square (PU: 06/04/07/007)
Nyounkiri/village square (PU: 06/04/07/004)
Obioku/town hall (PU: 06/04/07/001)
Seriakiri/village square (PU: 06/04/07/003)
Igbeta-ewoama/fantuo Ward
(27 Polling Booths )
Abuja/school compound (PU: 06/04/08/026)
Agbakabiriyai/school compound (PU: 06/04/08/010)
Amapogu/kiminin/central hall (PU: 06/04/08/009)
Angalakoro bousei/fish camp (PU: 06/04/08/025)
Burukiri/burukiri village square (PU: 06/04/08/015)
Dongo iwogha/dongoi wogha square (PU: 06/04/08/019)
Ebikiri/edwinikiri/fish camp (PU: 06/04/08/013)
Etiema/school compound (PU: 06/04/08/004)
Ewelesuo/school compound (PU: 06/04/08/020)
Igabukiri/school compound (PU: 06/04/08/012)
Igbeta-ewoama central/ideridu polo square (PU: 06/04/08/003)
Igbeta-ewoama/iwodu polo (PU: 06/04/08/001)
Ijaw kiri/fish camp (PU: 06/04/08/011)
Iselema borikiri/fish camp (PU: 06/04/08/018)
Kiri pogu ewokiri/school compound (PU: 06/04/08/005)
Kpongbokiri/fish camp (17) (PU: 06/04/08/021)
Kukukiri/village square (PU: 06/04/08/016)
Nembe creek/s.s. compound (PU: 06/04/08/023)
Obiama/central hall (PU: 06/04/08/008)
Oigonotokolo/kiniama/fish camp (PU: 06/04/08/022)
Okokokiri/school compound (PU: 06/04/08/017)
Onunu-ama/onunu-ama square (PU: 06/04/08/014)
Opupolotiri/opupolotiri square (PU: 06/04/08/002)
Opupolotiri/opupolotiri square (PU: 06/04/08/007)
Sabatoru/school compound (PU: 06/04/08/006)
Sch. compound fantuo (PU: 06/04/08/027)
Warisegbene/village square (18) (PU: 06/04/08/024)
Ikensi Ward
(29 Polling Booths )
Agada compound square (PU: 06/04/12/008)
Agada school compound (PU: 06/04/12/007)
Agada town square (PU: 06/04/12/006)
Amabitteama town hall (PU: 06/04/12/005)
Atubo opupugo (PU: 06/04/12/014)
Atubo school building (PU: 06/04/12/012)
Atubo town hall (PU: 06/04/12/013)
Atubo town hall (PU: 06/04/12/015)
Biokponga school building (PU: 06/04/12/018)
Biokponga town hall (PU: 06/04/12/017)
Ikensi town square (PU: 06/04/12/001)
Ikirikari village square (PU: 06/04/12/027)
Iseleogono school building (PU: 06/04/12/020)
Iseleogono town square (PU: 06/04/12/019)
Iwokiri ikensi compound square (PU: 06/04/12/003)
Kampala village square (PU: 06/04/12/026)
Korobokiri compound square (PU: 06/04/12/002)
Ndatiri village square (PU: 06/04/12/021)
Obita community hall (PU: 06/04/12/011)
Obita compound square (PU: 06/04/12/009)
Obita school building (PU: 06/04/12/010)
Omielakiri village square (PU: 06/04/12/025)
Peter town village square (PU: 06/04/12/029)
Sangapiri village square (PU: 06/04/12/016)
Sansan village square (PU: 06/04/12/023)
Shellkiri school compound (PU: 06/04/12/022)
Sonikiri village square (PU: 06/04/12/024)
Ss ikensi school building (PU: 06/04/12/004)
Tweni tweni square (PU: 06/04/12/028)
Mini Ward
(18 Polling Booths )
Abalama village square (PU: 06/04/11/008)
Abuama polo village square (PU: 06/04/11/015)
Agrisaba school compound (PU: 06/04/11/003)
Agrisaba village square (PU: 06/04/11/001)
Akariama akari square (PU: 06/04/11/012)
Apolologi comound square (PU: 06/04/11/016)
Edoghoama edoghoama (PU: 06/04/11/009)
Egunelugu village square (PU: 06/04/11/005)
Eleliama eleiama square (PU: 06/04/11/011)
Elemama village square (PU: 06/04/11/014)
Elemuama 11 (PU: 06/04/11/018)
Enyumama school compound (PU: 06/04/11/004)
Fikorukiri village square (PU: 06/04/11/006)
Izagama hospital area (PU: 06/04/11/017)
Jimama jimama square (PU: 06/04/11/010)
Obemeke village square (PU: 06/04/11/002)
Okoroba village square (PU: 06/04/11/013)
Sangabene village square (PU: 06/04/11/007)
Ogbolomabiri 1 Ward
(11 Polling Booths )
Akparanta 11 (PU: 06/04/01/011)
Akparanta/community square (PU: 06/04/01/009)
Ch.amain comp/st. lukes nembe (PU: 06/04/01/007)
Ch.amain comp/uac (PU: 06/04/01/006)
Isikara/egwe ewoama/village square (PU: 06/04/01/010)
Isoukiri 1/isoukiri village square (PU: 06/04/01/001)
Isoukiri 11/yekorogha comp (PU: 06/04/01/003)
Madiara polo/madiara square (PU: 06/04/01/005)
Ockiya ewoama/iwoama square (PU: 06/04/01/002)
Ogiriki polo/community square (PU: 06/04/01/004)
Tubopiri/tubopiri square (PU: 06/04/01/008)
Ogbolomabiri 11 Ward
(14 Polling Booths )
Agbutubu polo/market square (PU: 06/04/02/007)
Beleupogu/beleupogu square (PU: 06/04/02/009)
C.p.s/school compound (PU: 06/04/02/002)
Chief amangi/chief amangi square (PU: 06/04/02/014)
Chief kuku/chief kuku square (PU: 06/04/02/012)
Chief ockiya comp/ockiya comp. square (PU: 06/04/02/005)
Dedesaratibi/dedesaratibi square (PU: 06/04/02/006)
Igabu polo/igabu polo square (PU: 06/04/02/008)
Isoukiri comp/post office (PU: 06/04/02/001)
Obiene compound/health centre (PU: 06/04/02/004)
Owusegi polo/owusegi polo square (PU: 06/04/02/003)
Poni polo/poni polo square (PU: 06/04/02/010)
Poni polo11/aruwari square (PU: 06/04/02/011)
Sekiapu wari/sekiapu wari square (PU: 06/04/02/013)
Ogbolomabiri 111 Ward
(12 Polling Booths )
Ayamain polo/ayamain polo square (PU: 06/04/03/002)
Ayamain polo/n.n.g.s.compound (PU: 06/04/03/003)
Biantubu/village square (PU: 06/04/03/012)
Bundu area/cyristal nur.prim.school area (amasara). (PU: 06/04/03/009)
Chief basuo polo/basuo compound. square (PU: 06/04/03/006)
Chief ikata polo/ikata comp.square (PU: 06/04/03/007)
Major nyanayo polo/ikata compound square (PU: 06/04/03/008)
Ofaili comp/ofaili comp.square (PU: 06/04/03/004)
Ogbari polo/ogbari polo square (PU: 06/04/03/001)
Ogipiri/hospital (PU: 06/04/03/005)
Otatubu 1/school compound (PU: 06/04/03/010)
Otatubu 11/opupolo tiri (PU: 06/04/03/011)
Okoroma 1 Ward
(19 Polling Booths )
Adah polo (PU: 06/04/09/013)
Adikiamaadikiama square (PU: 06/04/09/005)
Akakumama/town square (PU: 06/04/09/004)
Akariakiri (PU: 06/04/09/009)
Basuokiri/basuo village square (PU: 06/04/09/016)
Chief kanty comp/chief kanty square (PU: 06/04/09/001)
Chief ovo comp 11/school building (PU: 06/04/09/003)
Chief ovo comp/chief ovo square (PU: 06/04/09/002)
Diete polo/diete compound (PU: 06/04/09/012)
Edika polo (PU: 06/04/09/014)
Ekperikiri/ekperikiri village square (PU: 06/04/09/015)
Eminama/school compound (PU: 06/04/09/007)
Golubokin (PU: 06/04/09/018)
Ibu (PU: 06/04/09/010)
Obakilolo/school compound (PU: 06/04/09/008)
Ogbatigbekiri village square (PU: 06/04/09/011)
Oluwuama (PU: 06/04/09/017)
Ombukiri/ombukiri market (PU: 06/04/09/006)
Onibugo/onibugo village square (PU: 06/04/09/019)
Okoroma 11 Ward
(15 Polling Booths )
Alagoitereke village square (PU: 06/04/10/005)
Doguewoama 11 (PU: 06/04/10/007)
Doguewoama village square (PU: 06/04/10/004)
Elepa village square (PU: 06/04/10/008)
Ewokiri village square (PU: 06/04/10/003)
Kagokiri village square (PU: 06/04/10/006)
Mansonkiri mansoni square (PU: 06/04/10/015)
Oguama 1 village square (PU: 06/04/10/009)
Oguama 11 school compound (PU: 06/04/10/010)
Oguama 111 (PU: 06/04/10/013)
Ologoama 11 village square (PU: 06/04/10/002)
Ologoama sch. compound (PU: 06/04/10/001)
Orukarikiri orukarikiri square (PU: 06/04/10/012)
Sangakubu village square (PU: 06/04/10/011)
Sounkiri village square (PU: 06/04/10/014)
Oluasiri Ward
(16 Polling Booths )
Amieseikiri village square (PU: 06/04/13/005)
Benama town square (PU: 06/04/13/003)
Dualambokibi village square (PU: 06/04/13/016)
Dumoebikumakiri village square (PU: 06/04/13/014)
Etukekiri village square (PU: 06/04/13/006)
Fikoruama village square (PU: 06/04/13/015)
Ijawkiri town square (PU: 06/04/13/004)
Isaiahma village square (PU: 06/04/13/011)
Iserekiri village square (PU: 06/04/13/012)
Karikiri village square (PU: 06/04/13/013)
Monibokiri village square (PU: 06/04/13/008)
Oiduani village square (PU: 06/04/13/010)
Otumama town square (PU: 06/04/13/001)
Tengelekiri town square (PU: 06/04/13/002)
Waribonkiri village square (PU: 06/04/13/007)
Wenikiri village square (PU: 06/04/13/009)
2 Responses to "Nembe L.G.A Polling Units/Wards"