Some funny Ibibio names and their literally meaning
1..Idopise Inyang Usoroh
Keep-quiet-look River Celebration
2..Ese-Abasi Udoette
Look-at-God Second son of the father
3..Aniebiet Udoeyop
Who-is-like Second son of palm fruit
4..Edet Essien Usoroh
Teeth Outside Celebration
5..Nkop Ufot Ekom
I-hear Middle Greetings
6..Itoro Akanawan
Praise Old-woman
7..Enang Edemekong
🐮Cow Back-of-war
8…Aniedi Ekpo
Who is coming-masqurade
9…Awawa Eka Enang
Incredibly-Large Cow🐮
10.. Utitofon Inuaeyen
End is good – mouth child😂😂😂
What’s your own name?